U sklopu  DaWetRest-a prema predviđenom planu projekta, članovi tima iz PSS "Sombor" obišli su lokalitete predviđene za restauraciju. Uzorkovano je zemljište, urađena je analiza vode, te je prema određenim ključevima za determinaciju, urađeno određivanje biljnih vrsta na određenim lokalitetima. Biljke su determinisane, fotografisane, te im je određena porodica, rod, red itd. Najviše biljnih vrsta pronašli smo uz Topoljski dunavac, uz samu obalu, dok najmanji broj biljnih vrsta zabeležen je na obali lokaliteta Šarkanj. U planu je takođe, osim determinacije biljnih vrsta, uraditi I monitoring šumske zajednice.


As part of DaWetRest, according to the planned project plan, team members from PSS "Sombor" visited the localities planned for restoration. The land was sampled, the water analysis was done, and according to certain keys for determination, the determination of plant species in certain localities was done. The plants were determined, photographed, and their family, genus, order, etc. were determined. We found the most plant species along the Topoljski Dunavac, along the coast itself, while the smallest number of plant species was recorded on the coast of the Šarkanj locality. In addition to the determination of plant species, it is also planned to monitor the forest community.

Autor: Danijela Žunić | Objavljeno: 27. 11. 2023. u kategoriji novosti